Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A personal quest and the trap it represented


In Lord Morpheus dream world I still travel the countries of this crazy world as I used to do in my younger years, my worn backpack and mouldy sleeping bag, sweaty T-shirts and dirty bleu jeans - no Mum back home with a washing machine and personal care and love - , my only possessions, a sketchbook full with city sights in aquarel, ready to sell in the world's capitals for a few Pesos, French Franks or German Deutschmark, Tatty Indian Rupees or maybe the worthless Turkish Lira, money so necessary for the daily exspences like food, Bratwurst and Sisj Kebab, never mind a hotel, the bridges in Italy's capital will keep me dry and out of a way from a windy night sleeping under them in the company of down and out winos, raggedly dressed homeless and assorted dregs of any society in this so-called civilised world...

Always on my personal quest, the understanding of the human mind, or maybe enlightenment to the reasons behind the violence I personally witnessed in countries that Mister President Bush would still like to call the Axis of Evil, invade them at a moment's notice...sketching locals in the street for a few meagre local Yen, a caricature for Thai Baht or Mexican currency, the Burrito so much necessary for my physical wellfare...can't affort a local hospital without my non-excistence travel insurance...always asking my customers, my my models for personal info, well placed questions to creep into their minds unnoticed, try to incoporate their private news in my drawings...

Now that I about to enter the autumn of my life I have a house, a place to get back to, but still doing my street "thing", selling my funny little games, making sketches of my models and customers, city sights in aquarel, my fingers holding my pens, markers, pensils ect, high tailing across white colored paper, my tongue still asking way too many questions, creeping into my models' psyche...not caring much any more about that hopeless quest but having fallen into the trap it represented!!! 

 Ah yeah, and apart from all this crazy personal B*llshit, I hope you like these houses on Singelgracht here in my beloved Amsterdam...I cycle by them nearly every day...  

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