Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Nagisa from Kyoto, Japan.


This is Nagisa from Kyoto, Japan and probably the first Lilliputtian I ever drew a portrait off...

Nagisa told me she was on a world tour, having safed the necessary money for most of her working life, telling me "we lilliputtians don't usually have a long life span, mister", "better I travel now while I still live" while patiently waiting for me to do this stupid sketch...

I told her about my Japanese lady friend whom I met in Thailand in the mid nineties and was accidentally also called Nagisa and who grew up in the same Kyoto but moved to Tokio when she was in her teenage years...the same Tokio where I stayed with her for six weeks surviving on my caricature drawings I did in the Tokio streets. five bucks in local Yen but soon doubling the price due to the popularity my caricatures had among the populace of Japan's capital...

Domo Arigato for posing for me, Nagisa and I hope you will live to a ripe old age...

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