Sunday, June 19, 2011

A model from the dream world

A model from the dream world, a no-name lady that only exists in that gray brain mass of mine, these human brain cells that are so highly developed, so much more educatable than those of the fauna and isect world around us, these billions of small neurons and chemicals that make us into what we are, the same bio cells that despite these heightened senses of awareness need sleep and rest where they can amuse themselves by giving their human host spirits weird and sleep deprived dreams, nightmares and clammy sheets the result of hidden parts of our psyche...

A message from Lord Morpheus realm, maybe, to the land of the living, the corporate world of mankind, a serious warning maybe to the awarable spirits that this weird and unpredictable God seems to have to have his ways with...

Lord Morhpeus dream world still ruled by naked femininity!!!

Or at least in my case waking up last night, feeling dislocated from my house and bed, my familiar world and excistence here in my beloved Amsterdam, back in my dirty old clothes moving around the world in my younger years, always a keen eye on possible female conquests, not bothering much about race or color, a backpack strapped on female shoulders could count on my willing tonque doing the blablabla in the multitute of lingos I have mastered for exactly that purpose, the Queen's English would would have done just fine on the international Lonely Planet backpack trails but NO I had to get more and more crammed into these aforementioned gray brain cells of mine, impress international Yings with well placed Paroli in their own Bla Di Bla...

I did this red head in blue bikini last night when I woke up feeling so disoriented and all that...she brought me back to the here and now...ten minutes of drawing can do that to me!!!

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