Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mea from Atlanta


Mea's greatest hero in her 48 years old life is Martin Luther King, telling me all about him while I draw her portrait and patiently listen to her tirade against the white race and the benefits of being black which is beautiful compared to ugly for us the whities...

I listen to her explanation of Martin Luther King's retoric and aurasmatic admosphere which hung all around him when he was still alife, before his "execution" - as Mea called it - on the balcon of the Lorraine Hotel in Memphis, a sorry affair but not the only brutal death of those fighting for more civil rights in the troublesome sixties wether they were white or black...Robert Kennedy, John Kennedy and not to forget Malcom X...all men brave of heart and killed for the ideals they believed in, whether they were white or black...

Still, I let Mea have her say and thank her for her precious tourist time and the four Mandala games she bought...I watch her proudly taking back her place in the endless long line outside the Anne Frank Housde here in Amsterdam, obvciously pleased with herself having told that "whity" her "thing"!!!

Sorry Mea but I never managed to but in a single word and anyway you seemed to have forgotten your initial question about all these black people here in my beloved Mokum and where they all come from..I suggest you google it on the Sacred Internet.

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