Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A free X-mas meal

Holland, Amsterdam,
22 Dec. 2010.

This world is probably a crazy place due to us, the human race, a place where dictators dictate the lives of their servile populations as though they were puppets, crazies with their bloody fingers at the controls of countless of millions of impoverished and starving masses of humanity, generals ruling whole backward but potentionally rich and promising lands, enriching themselves and their closes allies while their subordinates live in wretched conditions...

The much hated Mutawwa, the Saudi religious police, forbidding women to drive cars and puching school girls back into burning buildings for inappropiating the Muslim dresscode - I picked that up in the international newspapers last summer - but willingly partaking in the wild Nana Plaza nightlife in Buddhis Thailand...Yings for the grabbing, remember, but no equal right for their sisters and mothers back home...

Here in cold Amsterdam my main worries are plowing myself through the blanket of snow covering the Amsterdam canals whithout breaking my bones, on my way to De Tweede Mijl for their free X-mas meal, a gift to the Mokum homeless, lost souls from the street, Polish fortune seekers who found no houses to renovate nor rooms to dwell in, Spanish and Italian coffee shop tourists who benefit from the Tweede Mijl liberal door policy...and of course poor and lonely Moi.

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