Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Ting Tong painter from Holland.

Thailand, Pattaya,

Hard to believe that only a short month ago I was still in Amsterdam feeling bored like hell frozen over and once again having given over my mental sanity to Ganja green investation, frequent runs to the neighborhood's many coffee shops, providing the owners with enough dough to live it up on some far-away tropical beach, Hell frozen over once again, for all I know the Heavenly Coffee Shop owner might well be here himself having the time of his life on my hard earned Euro sh*t...

Still having finally left the "zone of painting", having coped with Miss Ohn's messy death, having come to grips with Moo's inevitable demise, I move with grace hardly sweating at all compared to these many fat-bellied elderly Farang males whose T-shirts are drenched with Chang induced perperation while they walk the boulevard, big huge hairy claws holding the petite hand of the lady of his choice - or is it she who is holding his hand to show the competition HE IS MINE...

A Kathoy is doing his very best trying to convince me with an overly female voice that the PS Guesthouse just next door have clean room at only a hundert Baht, "Phom B*msing Kathoy Mai" does the trick and changing his voice to its original masculinity he is off in search of other customers...leaving me my treasured peace, wondering as I always do what my amigos back home would think seeing the crazy madness that Pattaya really is...

Also I wonder what my daughter Joy will say tonight when she will see my room, the walls covered in colorfull Bangkok post pages depicting an army of Hot Mommas from the boulevard, having left behind a small fortune on typical female paraphanelia like lipstick. nose inhalers, boxes of powdery heat, make-up, underwear, smelly T-shirts and the like...I presume she too is used to my crazy life style...

Having askes the cleaning ladies this morning to clean the mess after throwing out the last of my models, telling them of Joy up-coming visit only produced excited giggles and funny smiles...nothing new in that either. After all to them I am the TingTong painter from Holland, an conviction in their Asian minds I have only reinforced these last few crazy days...

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