Thursday, February 11, 2010

A psycological fist

Thailand, Trat,

I had most of today's six hour trip by minibus to Trat to think about this crazy and good for nothing fat German, spending most of the night screaming abuse at whoever walk by the guest house and even more so to the Kathoys that these last few nights seemed to have made Soi Honey-inn their favorite hunting ground...

I presume it must be easier to judge an different culture than trying to understand it, especially so when you are under the influence of King Alcohol which in his case came out of countless condensed bottles of Chang...mad raving at Pattaya's hard working employees not caring much about their harsh lives, believing it is all a joke, believing everything and all is possible in Madhouse Pattaya...untill, untill...

Trying to judge a culture so different in its fundamentals it might as well be alien and still tending to look at it through the filters of our own racial and cultural biases, not really capable of reaching out and give yourself over in order to reach a higher understanding and thereby enriching your Western trained mind...

Writing this down now in a dusty and ill-lit internet cafe in Trat I feel once more like mental clarity is within my grasp, I need to make but a psycological fist, well away from the contamination of Pattaya's rauncy attractions like Go-Go Bars and Hot Mommas walking shoulder to shoulder on the boulevard, their platform shoes going clickety-click hoping deperately for a 300/500 Baht sh*rttime to pay for the room, maybe a meal and a cold Leo, 7/Eleven selling anything at all times of the day and night but cold Leo my greatest entry reason, Burmese sigars and countless modelling sessions in the privacy of my room...

Away from madhouse Pattaya and well on my way to Sihanoukville, another country called Cambodya, though maybe not my first trip to what was once Mister Number One Sh*thole Pol Pot's private argricultural estate and with another two full weeks of Pattaya's madness in my pockets, I realise I have once again come closer to understand the Madness inside my own Farang mind....or maybe that is all in my own imagination...

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