Friday, January 29, 2010


Thailand, Pattaya,

I seriously wonder what this elderly Dutch couple is REALLY doing here in Pattaya, where the female part of the couple has been fuming about this wicked s*x trade that apperently there own son has been traumatised by, falling in love with a Thai lady on his first visit, taking her home and arranging the paper for her, five years into the marriage and one Leuk Kreug baby girl later his Tikal told hime she wanted a devorce and her part of the 250.000 Euro house, a lawyer on the phone bringing the net worth up even further...

She is fuming, big speckles of white saliva flying through the air while whyle she badmouthes the whole Thai nation. This place is like a tidal wave of sin, a heathen place totally given over to s*x and depravity, the darkness around us given over to the stinking smell of police corruption and Hot Momma greed...

She has no compassion whatsoever for the begging mothers on Second Road carrying liquorice-eyed babies in their arms hoping to make the begging get better, they might as well sell these too to these d*mned for all time s*x starved Farangs...

Then her husband whispers in a quick remark " not like we don't take a girl back to our hotel every so often", a quick female elbow finds its way to a male partner's rib - a clear message to stay out of the conversation...

On and on she goes about the forces of darkness, the Sodom and Gomorra of the biblican times, how God Allmighty will have his Holy Revenge sipping every so often from her cup of coffee nervously and excitedly, taken on a dark path that leads her further and further down a negative highway of pure hatred by her own tirade against the Thai nation....

I wonder if I should tell her that the hatred in her heart will eventually devour her soul, a deeper wickedness that is hidden in the deeper recesses of her Farang mind, a trail of thoughts that will lower the lodgings of her Phi - her spirit you know.

When finally they leave and I have my first Leo of the evening which is bubbling on my tongue deliciously, I wonder if this woman is maybe in need of a severe re-education...enjoying the orange ambience of a setting sun, the upcoming evening that seemed so dark only mere moments ago in the presence of this evil mouthed woman...

Walking down the boulevard already totally oblivious to her obnoxious and negative Bla-Bla-Bla, I see them in the back of a Songtheaw a petite and lithe female dark-skinned body squeezed tightly between them, her husbands sausage-like fingers already down the back waist of her short pants in excited anticipation...his wife the Fat Bad Mouth whispering words - of lust? - in her ear from the other side - then as though she felt my glance she turns around and our eyes lock but for a moment before she quickly turns back to her Victim of the Night...a small moment in time during which our souls collided and she understood that I know what I WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO KNOW...

They all think it is a joke!!!

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