Monday, December 3, 2007


Warsaw, 26-11-2007. There is a happy hour downstairs in the bar of my hostel, 7 Zloti for 2 big pints but draught beer always gives me a headache the next morning. Still headache or not, I`ll be back there tonight because the bar maid is blond and looks great, always a good attribute when you are female and work in a bar!!! The weather today is shit with heavy snow so small wonder that all the streetsellers in the hystoric old city that were so abudant yesterday, were nowhere to be seen today. The soviet`s gift to Poland "the Palace of Culture and Friendship"is an ugly looking monster and has got a sinister feeling to it!!! Even more so late last night when I saw swarms of hunderts of black crows flying around it. The sounds of these birds and the very sight of it, gave me the creepy feeling I was in some sort of horror movie.

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