Friday, January 27, 2012

Miss Patty and her Nongshao

Pattaya, 27 Jan. 2012.

Laying on my belly and watching Miss Patty having a smoke, a small and dingy room, beneath a ceiling fan, the door to the balconey open letting in the early morning sounds  of Soi Sit-Ett, aptly nicknamed Soi Honey -Inn by the Thai because of the Honey-Inn hotel opposite the New Star, no breeze and the air hung heavy with the aromatic bodily smells of our love making from the night before, mixing with the smoke coming from the mosquito coils burning in a corner of my four hunderd Baht a day room...

Last night was fun with Mister Porn, me, Patty and her so-called Nongshao, though actually her 27 year old niece, drinking Chang in front of my guest house with Mister Pron doing his stuff on the Nongshao lady despite his usual shorttime in my room a few hours earlier...

I remember last week when first I met Miss Patty sitting outside on the very same chair as last night, shooting hot glances at me while I was playing Chess with my Papa in Pattaya, Emiel, who was losing by the way, how she was trying to avoid being chat up by the clumpsy English Mister Chocolate Drinker, making polite conversation with him the way only a Thai lady suffering from absolute boredom can...

With Papa Emiel gone, pissed of at once again having lost a night's playing chess, she offered me a beer, telling me how she  had come to Big Party Place Pattaya to assist her Nongshao, her little sister in Thai though in Verdadadera Realidad her younger niece, to adjust to the "Scene", the scene she herself had played with determination for years before meeting her German Tilac with whom she was married for eight years, before he succumped to a Thai whisky induce terminally sick liver disease three years earlier, not all that uncommon here in the Land Of The Thai....

No more sex for her since than, moving back to the parental house and being watched over by family and relatives...her assist in her Nongshao's big dreams and desires, willing to barter her young nubile body and soul for instant cash, maybe have a shy young English bloke fall in love with her and take her to Fabulously Rich Europe, never mind she doesn't hold no currency, doesn't speak the Lingo, after all that is where the older sister comes in, maybe she can drag along and do some Mhe Baan  household chores, sleep on the couch and being 49 years of age and therefore " an old lady", dream of her many Farang lovers in her better days...

When she was Mau enough and secure in the feeling "younger sister" back at the Bamboo Bar had been picked up by a wealthy 61 year old lucky Farang sex tourist- thanks to mobile phone technology - she went upstairs but not before showing me her room key, the number on the tab a clear invitation to help her end three years of abstinence, help her out of a mournfull excistence, no family members doing the gossip, Pas De Baht, just plain old sex and Nada Mas...

Tha was three or four nights ago but now she is fuming, a bit like the sigarette top she is smoking, with "younger sister" who has decided adopting the role of a Hot Momma really isn't her future, fat and hairy white bellies repulsing her,,,

"she lazy, no good!!!"..."why she not go with your friend Mister Porn last night?"

What can I say, having heard the same story a hunderd times over??? 


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