Monday, May 28, 2012

What is natural and appropiate

                                             Amsterdam, 28 May 2012.

Sex can create complex interactions between the sexes in the human species, at times more than is warranted or expected. If we remove the religious rediculous compunction brought forth by the Padre in the church's mass on sunday but otherwise spending most of his time on his mad phedofilian hunt for under-aged altar-boys, maybe the ultra-moralist ego-centred views on the subject, sexual exploitation of the starving masses inhabiting the garbage belts of this mud ball, get rid inmediately of coercive sexual relationships...what we are left with will be natural and appropiate...

This is what Vicky from Down-Under tells me while we are at Cafe De Twee Prinsen on the Amsterdam Prinsengracht, enjoying two pints of Heineken and each other's company. And where I made this sketch of her...

Thanks for the beer and your educational point of view on the matter of the Adults Only Game...     

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