Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pics of Little Charlotte

                                            Amsterdam, 16 May 2012.

I like to keep my blog stories uncensored, tough at times when I talk about world politicians or the clergy of dubious religions - let them feel the wrath of the common man or woman - funny when I blog about my extra-marital affairs - not that I was ever married but that ëxtra-marital affairs" things sounds soooo GOOD - and try to write in today's language, at times use the talk of the street, base it on my own personal experiences, actual  events, change the names of my friends when I happen to mention them which is probably more often as they like though they too follow my stories - or so my over-sized ego likes to believe anyway - sort of protect the guilty, you know what I mean...

Maybe another blog story about Thai culture and their female mind's lateral view of things, always fun to read about a Thai Hot Momma's unabashed opinions, especially so considering these street hookers I sort of hang out with whenever I visit the Land of Smiles are hopelessly undereducated though I once read somewhere that the empty mind speaks the truth...

But No, today I only want to show you the pics of our daughter Little Charlotte my ex sent to me by old fashioned postal way, informing me of her decision to return to her native good old England, leaving that sinking ship called Holland behind and all the rest of the financial wooed Euro zone and some last pics of our latest erotic encounter outcome nearly seven years ago, how times flies when you are having fun, nah...and Nada Mas.

Hope you enjoy!!!

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