Friday, December 2, 2011

Art Canibal


I wake up with a splitting headache, vague memories of some book presentation party plaque my poor Testa while I try to get up, hard work at the petting zoo awaiting me though it ain't one of my traditional days...why did I sign up for today knowing fully well I would have that hard drinking night La Noche Antes downtown, blond beer and red wine in great quantities, a pinkish colored book with big black letters telling me the book's name is KUNSTKANIBAAL, art canibal in my native Dutch?...did I buy it out of real interest or because I felt guilty drinking all that free booze???

Four hundert pages of probably chaotic writing into the future will give me the anwer to that question, I guess.

Some colorfull painting on the floor bringing back even vaguer memories of coiming home late and opening a bottle of Mooi Kaap red wine, only two Euro at the Appie Heyn, two Euros that will probably soon be worthless anyway with the bleak future awaing our beloved European monetary unit, pushed down our citizens' throats by over zealous politicinas who are now remarkably quiet, and painting this sleeping Lola though she didn't spent last night here...I guess with her having spent most of the last two weeks nights here I didn't really need her to know what she looks like deep asleep in her favorite comatose position...

Seriously wonder how long this boy/girl contact is gonna my life relationships with the other sex are inherently doomed anyway...I love t'he carnal part but don't get mixed up in the oral love fights...withdrawal to the more dustier corners of my gray braincells my favorite defence to angry and screaming members of Eva's realm...   

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