Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gilling-Gilling, it means Bam-Bam in Tagalog

Thailand, Pattaya,
20 Jan. 2011.

" Gilling-Gilling", Marianne keeps telling both Miss Jiff and Miss Ang who are munching away on barbecued chicken legs, orange colored hotel provided towels wrapped around the lith Asian bodies, giggling at the Tagalog word for Bam-Bam....maybe my Tagalog has gone down reall fast since my three two month dive master jobs in the Phillipines quite a few years ago, nor did it progress much beyond this illustrious Asian word but it is definitely not lost on my Farang mind...

I have three female visitors now each night and often in the afternoon when they come over for a shower and posing sessions with the walls of my room covered in drawing paper the size of the Bangkok Post newspaper pages, black lines the beginning of a dozen nudes, plastic jars with paint placed at random around the floor, some pensils and dirty laundry piled up against one wall...

Outside the s*xual galaxy that is Pattaya is in full swing at this nighttime hour just past midnight, attracting all  sorts of mostly male characters from across the globe, on a quest for Thai P*ssy, s*x at inflated prices and a whole lot of booze thrown in at equally cheap Baht to bolster the male s*xual appetite, if not their nerves...

German Krauts that speak English like it comes out of a rusty old and empty can of Chang, pale faces that look a bit like boiled poatatoes betray me they have just recently arrived...

Elderly Poms and Rileys that have probably spent most of their younger years wh*ring across the globe, in and out of the slammer before dicovering the heaven that is Pattaya for a determined John...or at least so they claim...

My lady visitors are gossiping in a mix of Thai, simplified English and recently learned words of Tagalog, a small bottle of Black Cat whiskey, a bag of ice cubes, two alu cans of Coca Cola and several cans of Leo as a present to me, a dozen barbecued chicken legs to satisfy hungry Hot Momma bellies...

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