Friday, July 2, 2010

The Dutch Revenge

Holland, Amsterdam,
02 July 2010.

I know I will damn my mentality tomorrow for sitting here in front of my telly banging away on my African drum, no doubt boring and frustatrating my downstairs Juppie neighbors to Kingdom Come and beyond, but no caring a fr*gging bit, watching the Dutch Soccer Team kicking the Brazilian Canaries well and good into the grass six feet under and out of the World Soccer Championship in far away South-Africa...

I know I will get frustrated tomorrow at the Anne Frank House being out of games early in the day, leaving a huge line of foreign visitors waiting patiently to get inside, hunderts of potential Mandala customers but I will have to go home ealy since I spent my time drumming instead of making new games, drinking cheap supermarket Pilsener beer that will make me get up all night to visit the Horngnam to relieve the heavy feeling in my bladder...

Outside in my street my country folk are preparing for a major party that will probably last all night....enough beer will go down Dutch throats to make even a Thai Klong jealous...

I know I will feel shitty at the Anne Frank House tomorrow nursing my hang-over from going into town tonight...but then it is not every night the Dutch make the Brazilians go packing on a major soccer tournament...

Oh yeah before I forget to between the drumming I might not have found time to replace the games sold today but I somehow got this drawing done, a Dutch and a Brazilian lady together in perfect sportive harmony.

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