Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The mockery of noicy dream imagery

Holland, Amsterdam,
13 July 2010.

As always I start the day with a steaming cup of instant coffee, slowly getting my shit together, preparing for the new day and as always vividly remembering the dreams from the past night, trying to capture them in my sketchbook though Morpheus dream world being totally incomprehensible to me...

Was it something from Khun Little-Sex-Obsessed-Monster with His images of the Devil's daughter who wanted to go Raw On The Straw with me...

King Alcohol screaming at me One Drink Is Too Many...One Hundert Drinks Not Enough...some sort of Devine wisdom there I guess...

Maybe it was that Crazy God called Allah who wants his devotees to bend forward Five times a day facing Mekka and showing their asses to the religious zealots in the next row while listening to Allah'U Akbar and Mohammed is his Profet coming out of noicy minareths...must get boring eventually having your eardrums invaded by the same mantras over and over again...

Somewhere in this whole mockery of noicy dream imagery that I got bombarded with last night I was back in my little one-person tent sleeping peacefully and completely dreamless after a whole day of cycling, maybe in that cactus kingdom called Baja California, with my only nighttime disturbances the coyotes checking out the empty Tecate beer cans that I drank before returning to my mouldy sleeping bag...

Maybe I should go back to my cycling life, sleep peacefully while the local wildlife can get tipsy on the left-overs of my local beer cans....

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