Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ony one Conquistador

Holland, Amsterdam,
11 July 2010.

I feel like a different version of myself is cycling back home, returning from my Plekkie at the world famous Anne Frank House, cycling home through a very festive Amsterdam, people dressed in orange - Holand's royal color- boats in the canals sporting singing passengers, football songs from Holland coming out of hoarse throats, vusuvelas reverbrating through the labarinth of the countless little alleys criscrossing the old neighborhood called De countryfolk preparing for tonight's final in South-Africa...

I guess quite a number of people have already entered Drunk Crossover despite the nearly four hours remaining untill the start making me wonder if they will watch the match and remember it the day after...maybe a few misty images through the fog of a heavy Heineken-induced hangover....

I have already decided to stay sober untill kick-off...The Netherlands contra Spain with only one Conquistador!!!

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