Monday, December 16, 2013

booze and dope for Mayke

Mayke, the hippy offspring who grew up with her hippy parents on the beaches of Goa in Magic Land, as I often refer to Hindustania, India you know, in a alternative hippy community where free sex and heavy pot smoking where the norm rather than the exception, never mind that the gray brain mass of a six year old child should be protected from mind altering substances. Don't these young human minds have enough to cope with already seeing the crap of the adult world on the six oçlock evening news though I seriously doubt that the members of that hippy community were in the possession of a ancient black/white TV set, most likely their doped up minds were more into open air orgies on the Goa beaches...

Mayke whose lovers she treated like raw recruits, almost like cannon fodder, who were often shifting in their rented shoes waiting for their cherished hour to come in - I hope for their sake they didn't forget to bring that dreaded rubber along - young and old, sucking in a lung full of fresh breath, pull in the gut and enter at your own peril...

Mayke who was sort of normal when I met her during my bicycle messenger summer, sort of normal and sort of free of drugs and alcohol, Mayke who in these mad bicycle messenger days of mine whould leave free Boomerang Ansichts in my letter box explaining me her lustfull plans with yours truely for the coming night and ending her crazy written monoloques with Beer Is Dirty, often posing for me in the nude before here sexual intentions got the upper hand...

Mayke who returned to her evil ways of drunk and stoned wandering homelessly, all her money gone to well built but expensive lovers and Amantes Adios to the her house and hello to the homeless shelters...

The last I heard of her she was interned in an institution for the mentally insane...that is what booze and dope does to you when you are six years old...

This sketch I did in 2005 just after my mad years as a bicyle messenger had come to an abrubt and sudden end.


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