Monday, June 21, 2010

That little sex-obsessed monster

Holland, Amsterdam,
21 june 2010.

I wake up to the urgent calls of Khun Little-Sex-Obsessed-Monster that lives inside my head and usually makes its presences and its crazy sex-obsessed lust noticable by the huge erection in my underwear, the morning erection most healthy adults males suffer from but in my case after yet another night of battling with my erstwhile friends and lady bedpartners of the past, I am ill-motivated to give in to the urge though after my last stint in King Bhumipol's Asian Realm I should say I have enough mental jack-off material for the rest of the year...

Instead I make myself a coffee and work on this crazy Khee-Neo Monster that has taken up residence inside the dusty corners of my mind during my puberty years, coming to the frontal lab of my conscience early morning when I could do well without Him, sketching a mental image of Him in my sketchbook, slowly starting to feel happy again while empting my mug of morning coffee, making progress with my sketch...maybe a quick shower before hitting the Anne Frank House again now that the weather has turned for the better, making money for another meeting with these ladies of the night that inhabit Thailand's many bars and beach resorts...

No Mai Subarp words coming from female thai voices but sweet promises of erotic togetherness in exchange for a few hundert Thai Baht, the tones of the Isaan dialect adding more romance, more feminity, more jack-off material for when I get back home...

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