Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The old gang of druggies

Holland, Amsterdam,

I return to my little imagenary cubicle, that place inside my head that makes me feel like I am in some sort of monk-like excistence, the part of my gray brain mass my spiritual entity departs for when I take my paint brushes between my fingers, fingers soon to be covered in a multitude of colored paint...there are no more worries or dead friends in this excistence, just me and my artistic activities, my Kliederen on wood, a naked woman from the past who once shared my bed for a few meagre third world money notes and now burned on my rectina or a print from my computer stolen from a XXX site, or maybe a photo of Mayke in the nude....plenty of inspiration with my crazy extra-prostitucional affairs the world over, beaucoup d'inspiracion with all the Amigas y Novias that shared shorter or longer moments of my life...

I really need to be in this personal spiritual mental realm after yet more bad news concerning friends long lost but never forgotten, my contacts from the street from times long since behind me....

Hard work at the farm and really in the mood for a free coffee and a bowl of hot soup at the Tweede Mijl aka as the Tweede Kwijl, a free food place for the homeless and drug crazies here in Amsterdam - yakie yakie - I lock my bike running into a familiar female figure though her pudgy face brings back no recollections whatsoever...still something in her way of being stirs memories from long ago but definetely not forgotten...only when we talk do I recognise Beautifull Lisa, Frank's downstairs neighbor and sister in arms in his crack smoking habits, her ravaged face has nothing of the angular lines I remember, just worry lines and deep canyons brought about by countless crack smoking sessions, losing her house and health to a serious bad habit, a higher mind in exchange for a ravaged body and a homeless excistence...

The stories on the group, the gang of people I used to hang out with here in Amsterdam, are bad to the core, no survivors there but Frank who is back in his native Norway, waiting for the inevitable end being in the final stages of MS, Francine still out there somewhere but in no mood to return her mental thoughts to Amsterdam and our old group of baddies, the gang of crack druggies...

With Ohn and Moo from faraway Thailand barely out of my system, I now have to cope with a very different group of people from my past and there messy ends...

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