Saturday, May 8, 2010

How it all came about

Hindu male from New Dehli.

Holland, Amsterdam,

According to the Hopi Indians from North America The Infinite Became Pregnant And Created The Finite, their idea of how it all came about, whoever had the evil nerves to impregnate the Infinite is not revealed...

In Genesis The Land Was Wild And Without Life Untill The Allmighty Created Order Within The Week and mankind to probably amuse himself, just another fairy tale or maybe the superstitious fantasies of people who lived centuries ago and lacked the education that even today is only available to a relative small portion of the human species...

It all depends on the location of your cradle, your birthpalce and where you grow up...good education availabe and even obligatory in some so-called rich countries but a dream to the better part of these so-called Third World populations...

Not that it matters much in matters of relicious feelings wether you had a good educatioon or you are a backward illiterate rice farmer from the Indian plains whose sole duty in life is feeding his over-extended family - no birth control for the poor illiterate masses of this crazy world - but then our ragged rice farmer without books in his head might be just as convinced of his Hindu believes as our child-mollesting Pope in Rome is of his own convictions of Good and Bad, his own dedication of the Genesis origine stories written down in his personal Holy Bible despite his numerous years of devoted theology studies...

In my own personal life I have consciously chosen to believe in the Lucky Charm, my Buddha pendant that has been hanging around my Farang neck for nearly a quarter of a century, a Noordu as the Thais call it - a protection against bad luck - and a gift from Nong once I got out of that Thai Monkey House all these years ago...

Touch wood but ist seems to work too, having brought me monetary gains, was always able to pay my debts, being able to travel across the globe - an old childhood dream - and countless sexual encounters with the other sex....the bad health came about by my crazy drug and booze obsessed life style, no way I can blame my Buddha pendent for that....

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