Sunday, March 9, 2014

The death of the starman.

Pattaya, 10 March 2014.

The man looked like a nacroleptic chimp in an express elevator to hell, always throwing a mishmash of half stammered insults, his speech slurred by too much booze, at passers-by. Not exactly a clever thing to do in Pattaya were half the visting population of male Farangs is Mao to some level at least most of the day, yeah, even the Iraqi army has made better tactical decisions during its stand-off with the Amis in the Gulf...

His mind was always in some out of control jumping miasma of cheap local moonshine whiskey, the man really needed to learn the difference in watered down horse piss and good quality cold to the touch  beer if he wanted to move up in my hierachy of street alcoholics...

Her did have a certain humor though, that I have to give hime. When I made a drawing of him looking like a clown with a bottle of locally kitchen brewn cat piss he told me...

"doesn't look like me, mate".

So I added some of the countless tattoed stars in his face - hence his local nickname Starman - to Mister Acohol Induced Farang Clown...

"Ah, yes, now it looks like me, dude".

Like I said, the man at least possessed humor!!!

He lost the humor together with his drunk life a few weeks ago having been found death as death comes on the Pattaya beach where he always slept off the the enormous quantities of consumed booze before starting again, never mind what time of day...

A useless life having come to an equally useless death at 47 years old with the Dutch embassy yet again charging relatives back in his native Holland for transport back home...if he had any relatives at at...

Maybe better to cremate him at a local Wat, cheaper for the Dutch tax payers I guess...

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