Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A futile activity of yours truely

Amsterdam, 06 nov. 2013.

The Fontok Mak Mak that has been plaquing good old Mokum off late is threateningly close with ominous dark clouds promising yet again all that wed stuff I so often in these blog stories refer to as the piss of the Gods after yet again another night of orgying up there in the realms of the immortals who apperently have Nada more to do but do just that what most world ruling religions forbit us down here on Mother Earth...small wonder I have always thought of theology as the ultimate madness of our species...

Still their divine piss seems to take some time in coming down, permeated with alcohol and drugs, maybe some drops of forgotten divine sperm for good order ...

Fair enough, I can spend my early morning cup of Java outside here at the petting zoo Westerpark, enjoying it hot and strong free of sugar but plenty of milk, yeah sit outside before the other volunteers arrive and the show will be on the road again...sit outside and draw female nudes as I have been doing for the last couple of weeks everywhere and anywhere whenever I have some free minutes to spare...

Nothing and Nada it has got to do with sex or sensuous feelings, simply enjoying the exercize of drawing and drawing more and more studies of female bodily forms and Nada don't like them, I suggest you don't watch them...after all it's just a futile activity of yours truely  

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