Monday, August 20, 2012

A walking pharmacy

                                                       Amsterdam, 20 Aug. 2012.

I think of Red Wine. smooth to the tongue, maybe Hong Thong Thai whiskey - seem to remember I still have a small bottle at home brought along from my latest stint in King Bhumipol's strange Asian realm - ,
Maybe I shoud dwell mentally on Antonia's telling me "smell me and like my scent" but I threw her out of the house last weekend together with her fatty semi-lesbian ladyfriend, enough is enough after all, any man's erortic phantasy or not...

I try hard to ignore the freaky print seller always working on my nerves but my neighbor here at the Anne Frank House for nearly twenty years already, the art of living easy beyond him, his mind on the level of a nine year old istead of the seventy-two he has claimed to have for the last four years or so "don't I look young still"? Few people in this world lying about their age in the major instead of in the minor!!!

Crazy Oscar who has been the neighborhood's number one dealer for years, a bit like a walking pharmacy, despite the city's finest hot on his heels sort of constantly, his extra-vagant way of reversing his way around and beyond them maybe impressive but definitely not to my liking...

Nor is his present customer, down and out, drunk as a skunk and flat broke but with the nasal passages screaming their lust for that mind enhancing necessity of his fucked-up existence....

Still, twenty-five games out and sold should make up for a live among the eternal losers and walking corpses of my beloved Mokum...

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