Thursday, October 9, 2008


Haaaa, you should know all the sh*t that has hit the fan here in Holland, banks being nationalised, dutch savers who have lost 1.800.000.000 Euros because of ICESAVE, an islandic bank that went bankrupt only yesterday, insurance and credit companies going downhill fast and people taking their savings out of the banks en masse.
Just mere months ago gouvernment members were falling over each other`s feet screaming their political heads off "all is save, nothing to worry about, the creditr crises is in the States, far away" and more of the same.
Good thing I have no savings to speak off, too bad for all these people losing their life`s savings though, because of stupid bankers thinking more about their own benefits than of those whose money was fattening their bellies.
And were are they now? Most likely...lying on a tropical beach cold beer in hand and a tropical beauty at their side, enjoying their "well deserved" bonuses.
Sorry for the harsh words ladies and gentlemen, just needed to let off some fustrations.

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