Tuesday, August 28, 2007

More of Kochanie Brigitta.

Amsterdam, 28-08-2007. Allthough i finished with Kochanie Brigitta at least three months ago, she keeps sending me e-mails and telephone calls. Was i that good or what??? Well, i have to admit all this attention is good for my ego but wether or not i feel all that positive about it is a different matter al together!!! Another trip to Berlin is out of the question and after all her critism about my house, i would say that another Brigitta visit to me here in Amsterdam is pretty much out of the question as well!!! I know i could call in a specialised cleaning company doing a good cleaning job on my house and she would still find something to complain about.......Have been there, have seen that....... and didn`t like it one little bit!!!

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