Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Jesus Christ Superstar.

Amsterdam, 13-06-2007. Jesus Christ Superstar is really my nr. one favourite movie. saw it first as a mere kid at boarding school and already then i kneqw that without a doubt this was MY movie. But who was this mr. Jesus Crist anyway? I mean the bugger founded a religion which is not excatly my cup of tea, mon, i am as anit religion as can be. Down to earth and what is dead stays dead and never returns has always been my motto.So why get yourself nailed to a cross and endure all these pains that come with it? Was the poor sod some sort of misguided martyr or a divine human being born in the wrong time? The present time of mass comunication would have done his cause a hell of lot more good, or maybe not after all mass comunication also means people have become more sceptical, we would probably have laughed him of the world scene. People in the ancient times were more superstitious and therefore more open to new ideas. Yeah, add a bit of hatred for home and you will get the attention you want, run the risk that these same romans nail yopu to a cross and get it over with but then that might very well have been the whole idea. I mean after 2000 years and more billions of people still pray to this long-haired hippy on a daily basis. Well like i said, not my cup of tea but i still like the music of Jesus Christ Superstar.

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