Saturday, June 16, 2007

Fire at the neighbors.

Amsterdam, 16-06-2007. The moment i hear the fire sirens i could smell smoke, close by, definitely not far away. Storming down the stairs i could already detect the fire-cars and my u8pstairs nieghbor standing in the entrance to the house, the door wide open and fire-marshals running everywhere. Well at least it was not our house that was on fire, it was the house next door, the place where the pigeon man, as i call him, lives. Only a few short months ago he was mad at me because of the television set that Rob and Richard sold him, they just found the bloody thing in the street, and did not work. Hey mon, i just helped the two geezers to carry it from Rob`s house to him, had nothing to do with the financial transaction, just made myself a few free beers helping these two streetcats out, nada mas. While i think back on that i see the very same pigeon man being carried dout of the house by the fire-marshals black all over by the soot but still conscious and, as far as i could see not seriously harmed. I fear to think about the pigeons living in the attic, i have a pretty strong suspicion they have all perished in the fire`s smoke. Wait till Rob hears about this!

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