Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Painting mushrooms

 During a normal year I would already have been in sunny Thailand for well over a month now, enjoying the attentions of Thai beach putitas in the farang male kingdom called Pattaya, a mere two hours drive in a iron sardine can from overpopulated and poluted to the max Bangkok...instead I walk around my beloved Amsterdam all day enjoying the colors of autumn, drinking free coffee that reminds by taste and looks of dishwater in homeless centres all over the town centre, eating stale sandwiches with shitty Appie Heyn donated cheece, trying hard and sometimes in vain to avoid the freequent fights among the local clientêle, mostly polish and eastern european homeless drunks....

I haven't been in this city during autumn for the last 15 years, since the birth of my daughter Charlotte which was in autumn by the way. It is quite the experience!!!

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