Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Oral discomfort

I have never felt happy sitting in tne Dentist's chair and "enjoy" the pleasurable attentions of a Chinese born female tooth magician, oral discomfort to the absolute max, and trying hard to concentrade on the trails and jubilations of my life - anything to forget the horror of a canal treadment, yeah, keep the mouth wide open and the mind even wider -  and all that just mere days after my birthday, HBD wishes from all over the place but none from the family I left behind all these years ago...

At least my dendist is female and oriental, pretty in a strange sort of way though the pain she is causing me might well have something to do with my not so possitive judgement here...sure as hell I would have rated her beauty well over one hundert procent higher sitting opposite her in one of my favorite restaurants down town but then SHE IS MY DENTIST, remember?

At least she is female and reasonable good looking , not like that tooth monster a good friend told me about mere days ago, in the possession of a loog unruly beard, male of course, and hardly understandable though MOUTH WIDE OPEN open was pretty clear, also the fact that this tooth monster wanted all his old filling - done by his former dentist - out and his own mouth work - read his own fillings - in, I will write out the check, mate, coming out of that bushwack surrounded tooth monster's mouth just as clear as the aforementioned MOUTH WIDE OPEN!!!

Yeah, my disturbed mind only wants to concentrade upon the negative facts of my fucked-up mind being in this reclyning chair nobody in his right mind really enjoys leaning down in, however comfortable it might be...

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