Sunday, December 27, 2009

The inside of a lady`s belly; pulbic property


Sitting behind my computer screen, big fat Mary-Jane joint dangling from my mouth`s corner and a recently opened alu can of Albert Heyn Pilsener cold to the touch, ready for consumption, totally prepared for blogging...

Going back in time I`m lying on my bed here in Amsterdam, my latest bed partner next to me, another tourist lady picked up during my frequent haunts downtown in the multitute of backpack cafes in the Warmousstraat, a bit tired but highly satified after our mutual physical bit of the oldest game between man and woman...

With my male seed dripping out of her snatch and my hand absendmindedly playing with her her erect nipple, I`m aware that as a gentleman - am I really a gentleman? - I should ask her "hope you use protection"...considering the sex was so hot and steamy, our lust so overwhemlming that we had luscious mating condom-free.

A tricky question never knows whether or not the question will be latest lover might take offence believing it should be the man taking care of that part of our hot encounter...

Yeah, let your female erotic feelings run lose and expect your new partner to have a more sober mind, remember that the inside of a woman`s belly is after all Public Property...public debates on telly and in the newspapers, countless fora on the Sacred Internet discussing abortion and the Rights Of A woman`s Own Belly make it clear enough, a female`s womb is not her personal organ but a public domain open to anyone who dares to enter...the discussion.

In the end I leave this "tricky question" where it belongs...inside my Farang gray mass of neurons, get out of bed to make her breaky before sending her on her way with my blogspot address hidden in her purse. Kissing her goodbye before she boards bus 22, wondering if all my male seed has safely dripped out of her private parts or maybe one macro small spermatoide was a winner but I will never know about it.

A bit like all the hunderts of Thai Hot Mommas I send running out of my Farang excistence, 500 Baht in a worn purse or maybe hidden in her bra, condom-free sex here too means one or more of these hunderts of Oriental bed partners from my dark and crazy sex-driven past might well have left me with a bun in her oven!!!

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