Thursday, February 14, 2008

Jackeline`s death.

Amsterdam, 10-02-2008. Rob told me this morning about Jackeline, one of these street people that hang around the westerpark neighborhood. Apperently she died of cancer, no big surprise there. She was thin as a yearling tree, always together with Woef the Dog he owned. A friendly bitch that would always patiently wait for her while she was indide the Albert Heyn supermarket buying her booze. I remember that Harry once had sex with her but he laso told me, it was no big success....I also rewmember she used to come over to my house to visit me once she found out about that bottle of Wodka that was living in my kitchen. Every day she would come over to drink a glass of Wodka and then leave again, just to return the next day - with Woef the dog off course - and have another shot of Wodka. Once the bottle was empty, she never returned. I remember her grooved face, like for hunderts of life times of bad life was engraved there....en fin any one way, miss Jackeline - was she from England or from France, she was never really clear aboat the part - is no longer among us and will be dearly missed by Woef the Dog.

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