Thursday, September 27, 2007

Adios to Bone.

Amsterdam,27-09-2007. Only a few days before his messy death did me and Rob see Bone in Het Kleine Parkje, as we call the little park here in the Spaarndammer neighborhood, reading the Metro. Little did we know than that his life was about to be over, drowning with his head heavy and high on booze and soft drugs. They all thought he died of cancer but having read the newspaper over breakfast i knew better. He died falling into the canal intoxicated and all that, apart from the fact that he was rumoured not to be able to swim, never learned it at school or later in his life. I guess he was too busy with the booze and drugs ever to have the free time to take up swimming lessons, too late now. Meanwhile my life here in Amsterdam is as chaotic as ever even though the Gang Of Evil Brothers is out and over with in my life, as a matter of fact we ignore each other whenever we happen to see ech other in the neighborhood. I am still up to date about whatever happens to them, though. Rob and Richard see to that.

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