Thursday, January 31, 2013

The state of Nong's room.

Pattaya, 31 Jan. 2013.

This Mao to the max elderly beach girl trying hard to attach herself to me is not doing much merit to the turbulence of my tormented soul, and if Nong arrives it will most definitely add oil on already troubled waters, neither does it help me in trying to explain the state of Nong's room down in Jomtien to my mate Paul, way too many mental and physical distractions here!!!

Yeah, that chaotic room belonging to Miss Superboob who right now, this being just past 23.00 h., is probably preparing herself for a little social visit  to Moi truely, taking a hot shower after ten exhaustive hours of cooking in that restaurant of hers, thinking all day what sort of erotic actions she has in mind for the after work hours and me thinking all day how to avoid them, maybe move to some Muslim country, become a Shi' ite fanatic flogging myself with the cat-o'-nine-tails while dragging my tired and bloody body through the streets of some backward dictator ruled Muslim society...these days of "rape" by Miss Superboob should really come to an premature end but she wants to hear none of it...

Could well be another remarkable Tour De Force is ahead of me with the majic Mhekong glasses never quite going dry, quick on the refill and even quicker on the undressing department, easy tip money evaporating faster as I can spend my own dough and that is saying something...

Wonder where tonight's little party is gonna take place, down at her place where clothes shriek at me from all corners, plastic bags full with vegetables, meat and eggs all in various states of decay and ready for the garbage belt but in reality adding to the already hopelessly lived-out state of her room, dresses, trousers, and an enormous collection of bikinis, short skirts draped over doors and bookcases, that huge fish tank that holds five massive gold fish that she feeds Mhekong too every night just for Sanuk purposses and makes me wonder how long it will take for these watery inhabitants of her junkie room to float belly-up in the not too far away future...

Somehow I manage to get it all across to Paul despite this lived-out Hot Momma still running the risk of a getting-the-shit-kicked-out-of-you-by-the-jealous-competition, maybe another cold Chang before Nong's untimely arrival...  


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