Monday, December 6, 2010

An open letter to my dear friend, Miss Alie

Holland, Amsterdam,
06 Dec. 2010.

I seriously wonder if this blogsite which I sometimes mentally refer to as the Sleazy Corner - actually a part of my gray brain mass I am not all that proud of - might be a just a teeny little bit too weird for you, my dear friend Alie from the Tweede Mijl aka as the Tweede Kwijl by a certain part of your mostly homeless visitors because of the bad quality of the Appie Heijn supermaket donated free soup...

You seriously consider coming back to this site where I use my Wrongfull Irony writing style to describe my Chaotic Life experieces, my crazy stories from the street, my nutty backpack travels across Europe on forced interrail passes during my teens and through my twenties, my encounters with Hot Mommas from around this nutty globe where injustice and creed is a very realistic part of the daily life you are totally ignorant about living on the Dutch countrysite, that notorious bible belt where the big bad world is preached about in the locality's church by a priest slightly tipsy already despite the early sunday morning on his parish's cup of Christ's blood...

Your one and only day in the big city doing your volunteer's "thing" at a place where the soup is foul of taste and your clientele saves money on food for their very own God, the Holy Spirit present in that green colored leave, King Alcohol responsible for a homeless excistence, maybe a ten Euro Balletje of Crack....your Tweede Mijl soup starts to taste better by the minute here, more dough in pocket for the aforementioned little pleasures in the life of the Faithfull...

But don't worry, Mijn  Grote Vriendin Alie from the Tweede Mijl - or was it the Tweede Kwijl? - it is all Wrongfull Irony and has got no meaning but keeping me off these aforementioned different Deities....

Ain't still interested in that Wonderbaarlijke Hand Van God either, just wanna do my own thing without a higher being looking over my shoulder, no sacreficial lamp to be offered here or spiritual guidance...

But I give you one Santa Claus gift though, no caricature of you, my dear friend Alie, but one of myself instead sitting at my drawing table - or was it the table in my Hostal in Barcelona....

All wrongfull Irony, remember???

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