Sunday, October 2, 2022

Backpack sketches

 I draw Barcelona the way I remember it from my endless and, maybe, useless long walks through that magnificent city, from when I was young and adventurous, or maybe just plain stupid, working for a while for a cheap hostal and learning my first spanish frases, words and idiom, a study that never really stopped, a love for the latin way of life, returning many times either by train or bus, by plane, and a few times by a simple two wheel bicycle, all under my own steam and the power of my legs...

Today, after a two and a half year break of being frequently on the road, due to corona related crap, I have decided to dust off my worn backpack, fill it with dirty laundry, a tooth brush and blunt razor, my books and pens, crayons, markers and water colors and my old Lonely Planet Spain on a shoestring Holy Travel Bible....

Hit the road again....on the way to Barcelona by overnight Flix bus...on my way to nowhere...

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