Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lost German lady backpackers in Pattaya

Pattaya, 20 Febr. 2013.

I have Uberhaupt Keine Zeit, Pas De Temp for the young backpackers, two freckled suntanned girls in their early twenties who just got off the Songthaew, carrying huge packs and the inevitable Holy Bible of the backpack world in hand, looking bewildered at the mayhem going on this late at night on Beachroad, obviously having chosen the wrong resort destination, doggedly following me, asking me in guterral German for cheap accomodation...

They probably feel like their roman God crapped all over them, bending forward under the weight of their massive brand new looking red colored nylon packs, surrounded by the expatriate community of shady Farang characters who have, at this advanced hour of the night, been drinking way too much than their fair share, have been cavorting with too many Hot Mommas already...high giggles of Isaan beach girls who bottoms get pinched adding to the scene of a menagerie of easy go happy people whose only desire in life is far away from those of the avarage Lonely Planet guided backpacker...they would have done well to take the ferry to nearby Kho Samet instead...

I has actually been rare for me these last couple of weeks to be a part of this wee hour of the Pattaya night's beach shuffle, having spent most of the evenings back in my New Star room, enjoying Miss Endu's charming company and eating all the great Thai food she buys for us each and every night back at the Soi Bhukaow market, like barbecued Plamuk, Pat Tai, Hoi Kheng and Hoi Mhaleng Poe, drinking cold local beer and Hong Thong whiskey, chatting and enjoying great sex together, massage and sleeping peacefully in each other's arm, sometimes waking up at night for a pee and having to untangle myself from a laberinth of bodily extremeties...

It is obvious that Miss Endu's need for affection has taken the better of me, her need for companionship having taken control of my nightly preoccupations, no way I have time for these lost German lady backpackers who look by now as though they realize they might have made a wrong turn some way back but with no help from their treasured Lonely Planet bible tell them where and time for them, no time at all, I have to run back to my Thai love, waiting for me at my New Star room!!!

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