Sunday, May 27, 2012

The musings of a male mind

                                    Amsterdam, 27 May 2012.

Whilst Asian women can be demure and seemingly subservient, Muslimas cover their hair and sometimes even their faces, and western blonds glamouring for feminist rights in the extreme already from their teenage years back on campus but  females of all races depending on their men folk to support them in the upbring of their cherished offspring...

Maybe pushing a potential husband and father to be to get a good job at a reputedly financial secure company with plenty of possiblities for a couple of steps up on the hierarchial ladder...

Yeah, isn't a wife always pushing her man towards success, admonishing him in case he might fail, and therefore also failing to fulfill his role to support the family adequately...

Me, I have always silently negotiated my exit when my many love affairs got anywhere near sacred matrimony, just wanting my freedom, my bachelor's existence, selling my funny games at the world famous Anne Frank House and sketch my customers, fill my scrapbooks and the walls of my old crappy house here in Amsterdam West with worthless artwork...

An easy and non-responsible male life that can be dedicated to booze, good Red Wine, watching sports on my new flatscreen telly and all the other typical male things women so often frown upon...

Sorry ladies but no pun was intended here, just the musings of a lonely male mind fastly approaching middle age.

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