Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Muslim lady in the crowd, taking her home


The Chador, The Niqaap, The Burka, all of them female garments that are supposed to protect the women wearing them as protection against the lustfull feelings of men passing them in the street, a couple of centimeters of threat making the difference between being devoured by male eyes or maybe feeling free and femenine...

Maybe the difference of a vitamine D deficiency - which is considered to be a possilbe
cause for rachitis, myopaticy, osteoporosis, osteomalicy and serious chalcium shortages in the human bones - and a healthy life...

My big walks in Amsterdam continue, my mind going Hoteldebotel, all over the place, the sketches in my moleskinerie multiplying by the sackfull...the moral and ethic issues of any megapole being churned over in my grain brain cells...

Four hours today, good practice for my upcoming Santiago De Compostella trek, before returning home and doing this Muslim lady...I guess I saw her in the crowd and took her home, mentally speaking anyway!!!

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