Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Madame Stoeptegel

Thailand, Bankok,
06 April 2011.

Beste Hans,

Gisteravond zat mevrouw Stoeptegel heeeeeeel rustig aan de beach. Emiel vroeg of hij naast haar mocht zitten en kreeg toestemming. Ik was zonder wat te vragen al een half uur eerder op 2 meter afstand van haar op de bank gaan zitten. Ze schijnt toch een voorkeur te hebben voor de bank waar wij altijd zitten.

Vanavond en morgenavond is het Champions League voetbal dus ga ik niet naar de beach. Ik verwacht eigenlijk dat
ze binnenkort weer problemen gaat veroorzaken. Je hoort het t.z.t wel.

Groeten van Kees

Yeah, I got this e-mail baout Madame Stoeptegel just there and then on my by Nong supplied 3000 Baht a month of free mobile internet cell phone last night while the laduy herself was busy whispering her intention for the upcoming night in my ears, her pudgy hands high up on my Farang blue jeans clad tight, my growing male member amusing her greatly, half Mao on Suzie Wong Bar Chang and definetely looking forward to see her hot promises becoming reality back in that No Name Dumphouse Hotel in Soi 22...

Sort of hard to forget that always drunk to the max Madame Stoeptegel - Mrs Pavement Stone - because of her annoying habit of knocking people over the head with that darned pavement stone of hers, though her high heels would come in quite handy too serving basically the same purpose...

I seem to remember my last night in the lobby of the New Star Guest House in Pattaya where she came over on a little "social" visit, stealing 100 dollar from a stupid Indian - "I gave her 100 dollar to change, you think she will come back", " very unlikely my friend from the Indian Subcontinent, but thanks very much for helping us out getting rid of her" -

Before the 100 Dollar Indian Debacle she was busy screaming, throwing her high heeled shoes around the lobby - which by the way ended up in the dustbin as a garbage war trofy - bouts of drunken raving, intermixed with crying, waiing everybody with heart breaking apologies before getting into a nutcase bout of complete madness again...

The bobble in my blue jeans up at the height of my crotch is slowly disappearing again remember this sad case of pattaya's nightlife, much to Nong's chagrine though I have no doubt she will get me back there to that heightened sence of sexual arrousal before the night is done and over with...

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