Friday, October 22, 2010

Waiting for internal problems, or was it interior shit.

Holland, Amsterdam,
22 Oct. 2010.

The waiting room at the OLV Hospital in Amsterdam Oost is full with sorry looking characters, despair and hopelessness beaming out of faces that have quite obviously already given up believing in the miracles of "modern medecine'...this being the waiting room for internal health it seems a fair bet most of these people suffer from cancer, ulcers, heart and artery related diseases, the sort of internal problems that one could quite happily do without...

Maybe long time smokers that have come to the conclusion that life time decisions have in later life become quite cancerous, s*x addicted johns that loved to do the "act" withouth the dreaded rubber but now feel sorry for themselves due to HIV related bodily complains, maybe too much sitting down in sterilised offices with rivers of strong daily coffee and stress to the max making their haerts go boom-boom-boom in the dark and their blood pressure seriously out of hand...

The little spider hanging high overhead in its web seems to pray on all this human mental suffering...

The pages in my sketchbook fill up fast and furious, more despair with each page I fill up before the results of my yearly medical health check will be made public to me...not that I feel all that worried...nearly a year without pot or tobacco, minimum amounts of booze and daily running in the park have given me mental peace and physical comfort.


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