Sunday, January 3, 2010

Working on my "women".

Amsterdam, 03-01-2010.

With my departure time for male friendly Thailand approaching fast and the outside world here in Amsterdam, stony cold I find myself most of the days locked up in my house, working like mad on my Hot Momma array of ravished faces, painting them on wood and paper with my plastic tubes of acrylic paint all around me, a half empty can of Pilsener and an equally half smoked Big Mamma Skunk joint from the nearby coffeeshop lying in the ashtray waiting for further consuption...

I try hard to paint their faces in a more friendly manner hoping they will leave me alone tonight. No more light brown Asian faces, African whores and Latino female money grabbers in exchange for a few hours of sex whose pale worn-out faces betray the ultimate pockets my Dinero ended up in, free loading boyfriends and too much Thai Baht for YaaBaa, a few tattered notes of Kenian Shilling originating from "poor me" , lust for sex with a black skinned lady of the Nairobi Night, the end station of the horny white man`s dough was Sorghum beer and a few puffs of Mary-Jane though it would have been wiser used on her baby that is being brought up by Grand-Mêre somewhere up north near the Somalian border...

Of Course I`ll never forget the Phillipino Hunting Girls who were so willing to offer me nighttime entertainment of the more intimate nature, a mere 500 Phillipino Peso and my body will be brought to higher places, hot and steamy and panting like mad afterwards because Manila is experimenting another brown-out - as the locals call a short-circuit...funny though, Phillipino Hunting Girls competing with Thai Hot Mommas inside a fucked-up Farang head, Latino female money grabbers and african whores vying for my mental energy and leaving me no peace.

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