Monday, November 3, 2008


If Buddha Had Known What He Was Talking About

If Buddha had been truly enlightened, he would not have told people that this world is full of sorrow and called it an evil that they should try to escape from.
He would have seen the meaning of sorrow, the wisdom that sorrow brings and told people to face it head on.

If Buddha had been truly enlightened, he would have understood the meaning of each stage in our lives including old age and death.
He would have seen that the progressive weakening of the mind and body is as instructive to the soul as the climb toward maturity.

If Buddha had been truly enlightened, he would have seen that sickness and pain help us focus on what makes us spiritually healthy.

If Buddha had been truly enlightened, he would not have told people to walk away from life, but to wade through it.

But I know how painful it is to confront each weakness. I, too, fear old age, infirmity, and the seemingly unending sorrow in the world.

If I could wipe it all away today, I would, but that would mean that everything everyone has suffered to this moment was meaningless.

So what is the purpose of my life?
What does a better world mean?
How will people continue to learn in the new world?

What does it all mean?

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